HomelessID Project

Arizona Charitable Tax Credit

We are an Arizona qualifying charitable organization, serving families and individuals to help end their homelessness. You can reduce your Arizona tax liability through a financial donation tax credit and help those working towards rebuilding their lives at the same time! 

It isn’t possible to secure work or housing without first having valid identification.  When homeless, IDs and birth certificates are often lost or stolen. In domestic violence and abuse situations, often IDs are held by the abuser to make it harder to leave. Birth certificates are required to enroll children in schools and childcare. 

Our services assist with reacquiring an Arizona state ID, and other identification documents including birth certificates from all fifty states. All at no cost to those we serve

Please consider taking advantage of the dollar-for-dollar charitable tax credit, which is deducted directly from Arizona income taxes owed.

The maximum allowable credit for 2024 is $470 for single taxpayers and $938 for married taxpayers filing jointly. Contributions made up to April 15th, 2025, can be applied to towards the 2024 tax year.

Charity tax credits can be combined and used with other tax credits, like those for public and private schools.

To make a donation, click below

end to their homelessness

Our mission is to empower individuals and families to overcome homelessness and rebuild their lives by providing access to replacement identification documents required to obtain jobs, housing, and other vital services.